
  Welcome to Worship 

  at Our Savior's Lutheran Church

  Sunday Worship 9 am

  In Person & Facebook Live




December 8

We Can't Go Alone

  Worship 9 am

  Ecclesiastes 4:9-12


From the Three by Hannah Garrity - Sanctified Art (c)                               

                                                                                  December 15 

                         The Good That Is Yours

                                 Worship 9 am

                                               Luke 3:7-16

                          The Good That is Yours by Lisle Gwynn Garrity 

                                                                                                    Sanctified Art (c)



      December 22

Hope is Worth The Risk

     Worship 9 am

       Luke 1:46-55

Magnify by Hannah Garrity

Sanctified Art (c) 


                    December 24

Christmas Eve

Joseph's Song

Love Knows Your Name

     Worship 7 pm


                                            December  29

            Worship of Carols & Lessons

            Don't Forget to Laugh

                   Worship 9 am

                        Luke 2:10